Industrial Revolution 4.O


Industrial Revolution 4.0

Introduction to Industry 4.0 Revolution From the past few decades, the world is been changing on a daily basis with the development of industrial practices … Read more

Evolution Of Phones


What Next After Wireless Phones?

  The first wireless phone was developed by Martin Cooper in 1967 for Motorola Corporation. Since then the development of communication technology has been in … Read more

Bio Metric Security System


Biometric Security System

Biometrics And Security Is Biometric security actually making your smartphone more secure? With the emergence of new technology in the world, the security of one’s … Read more

Effect Of Artificial Intelligence On Humans


Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Concurring Humans The invention of machines pushed the humans to a great level to do tedious  tasks like the invention of Supercomputers to … Read more

Social Media Marketing


5 Most Effective & Coolest Social Media Marketing Strategy

When we think about business, the idea of marketing jumps in the mind automatically. Even if a person has subtle idea about the concept of brand management, he firmly understands the need of an effective marketing strategy. While the plan for marketing strategy is thoroughly based upon the genre of business, marketing blueprint is the essential stepping stone in the upliftment of the business.